April 23, 2013

Chickens. Chickens. Chickens.

Never have I ever experienced such a concentrated amount of fowl life. Chickens, in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors have a dominating presence in Guatemalan households, streets and unfortunately local modes of transportation.
This past weekend while I was riding back to my town on one of the used school buses, packed with 3 people to a seat I fell asleep for the very first time! (This in itself is a rarity due to the numerous pot holes, overcrowding and the loudest music you've ever heard playing.)
After a few minutes of sleeping with my head pressed against the window I was woken by wings flapping, clucking, and a lady yelling in her native language (Q'iche).
I might mention here that I've had a bit of a fear of these strange looking animals for quite some time and even though I am more comfortable with them now I would have to say that this was the scariest way to be woken up from my little bus nap.
This chicken that found its escape from the grip of a young girl and began flying around the bus making all sorts of ruckus left me gasping and startled.
Chickens are very common on buses and I've heard loads of different stories, some of my friends have even been pooped on but a chicken on the loose was something surprisingly unexpected. Everyday in Guatemala is a new adventure.