The highlight of my week is usually when I do house visits and get to mingle with families in the community. I especially love it when the little kids drag out big shovels twice their size and try to get involved in digging gardens and helping me plant seeds.
This one house in particular was quite memorable. I myself and two young boys began digging the soil and preparing it to plant. About 10 minutes in they decided that there was an immanent need to scare away the birds by lighting rounds of firecrackers- which is obviously way more exciting not to mention dangerous for a 6 year old. After the digging was done, the two patojos (little rascals) returned to help me plant some seeds and were super excited to have helped in the end. I told them they had done a great job and that I would be back soon to help them plant the rest. Then I put my hand up and said “nice work, give me five!” the smiles on their face were immediately wiped away and replaced with looks of concern. One little boy reached toward his pockets and began to sadly explain that he simply did not have any money “pero, yo no tengo pisto Sasha!” It was the cutest thing I had ever seen. Lesson learned, high fives do not translate.
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