This past month has been rough. Peace Corps Guatemala gave us a taste of bureaucracy last month by giving some volunteers the boot. While some are going home others are being relocated. The option to take an early COS (close of service) was given across the board to all 200 and some odd volunteers and with the security situation in Guatemala escalating, the offer looked pretty sweet. Going home with full benefits after only 6 months sounded too easy but it also appealed to the part of me who misses taking hot showers. So, even though I desperately want to come home and see all your beautiful faces, I decided to stay put and take a chance on my previous intentions- to live here for 2 years.
I decided to put up with the new rules, new buses, new host family, new job (goodbye Te Chirrepec!), new people, new home and new climate alllllll over again. All the good, the bad and the ugly that Guatemala has to offer. Its going to be a whole new experience and I am really going to miss a lot of things.
On that note, I've recently had a lot of time to talk about all the bad things that are happening here so I'd like to dedicate and share with you some recent good that has graced my life.
Like Semuc Champay. The most beautiful place I have ever seen. Photo credit goes to: Adrianna Tucker |
A view of Semuc from above. Photo by Adrianna Tucker |
It's breathtakingly beauty like this that you can only find in my neck of the woods |
lush forests and forest fungi |
amazing colors |
great enthusiasm |
these smiles |
his smile- even when his gums are bleeding |
NOTE: This kid is 6 years old but is often mistaken as a 3 year old. Malnutrition and poor dental hygiene have taken their toll.
this family <3
Colocha, Gorda and Ruty. Last night was Rutys birthday so I surprised her with animal party hats, which she obviously loved. |
Here's the bad.
I am one of the unfortunate ones. I have to be relocated to a new site in a more centralized and 'safer' part of Guatemala. I am really frustrated and quite disappointed to be leaving this little safe haven that I have come to love, latrine and all.
Ill be giving an update about my new site but as of now, its still up in the air. I don't even know when I will be leaving. So, until my address has been updated- no more packages, please!
XOXO over and out.
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